
Saturday 16 March 2013

Zero Punctuation

Time to take a few minutes to discuss one of my guilt free pleasures. A comedic gem of game related entertainment presented by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw for the online magazine The Escapist.

If you have difficulties following discussions with people who talk to quickly or offend easily, you shouldn't consider this a valid form of entertainment for yourself for personal reasons.

If you are someone who has no difficulty tolerating fast wit, sarcasm, usually at least one penis reference and some mild to moderate language AND you love games, get on this! WARNING! If he has reviewed something you are going to play, don't watch that video until after you have done so as he does have a habit of reviewing from beginning of end, so spoilers may be included.

Crowshaw's brilliant wit is well presented in these animated short reviews at a blinding pace I have had to rewind back through to catch at times as some of the reviews have reduced me to tears so dire I couldn't hear what he was going on about. In them, he makes the observations so many of us do as well as present common complaints in gameplay or whatever it is he is covering with such stark honesty you walk away knowing he is one hell of an endearing prick.

So if you have a few minutes to burn and need something to entertain yourself with visit The Escapist site or look up Zero Punctuation on YouTube.

I don't recommend you do this on public transit or any other highly populated or quiet area unless like me you strive to encourage people to sit as far away from you as possible. The reviews are both candid and frank and even when he's liking on something it's difficult to differentiate from his various modes of dislike, disinterested, unimpressed and lovin t' death.

Again, keep the screen to yourself when around proud company as there is almost always at least one phallic outburst and countless references to bodily fluids amid disappointments. One can appreciate the reviews whether he's slating a game you love or enjoyed it as well. Dire hard fan boys and girls should maybe avoid reviews on games in their collection that they feel can do no wrong. If you can't objectively look at the games you play you will fail to laugh at his blunt pointing out of the countless failures games are often full of due to short production schedules and speedy releases.

Go, watch, enjoy!

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