
Monday 20 May 2013

Dear Canada

Wow, what a culture shock. Leave the UK to return to my native lands only to discover it has taken a massive leap backwards in the tech war. So unfortunately my first entry since returning to Canada is going to come with a healthy dose of disgruntled and WTF...

Dear Canada,

I can not believe the backwards motion you have adopted in this age of technology. What is this data usage BS you are assaulting me with? Are you not aware there is a tech race going on? Have you not considered the ramifications or the knock on effect this will have on this amazing facet of commerce and entertainment?

The mobile life hasn't been this set back since the days of AOL and ADSL. What good is wifi if you can't actually use it? An average data usage package seems to believe that 500 MB will do. Sure, if you only use Facebook and pay a few bills online.

My phone alone is over $30 a month and all I get for data usage is 400 MB. 400 MB what is that? Two top grade apps... and forget about updating the ones you have. Not only have you charged me data usage to get them, but you also charged me data usage to remove them. What a freakin' joke.

There are no unlimited plans. This boggles the mind. Seriously it does. Someone in my industry can easily consume a Gig in a single day. When I was living in England I probably consumed 3 Gig a day alone. Was I charged for that? No.

If I consider that in the UK I would play on my tablet simultaneously alongside my iPod, stream music on my PC at the same time while playing social games and watch Youtube videos on my tablet when I wasn't playing games on it to expand my knowledge and research things of interest I want to cry. You really have dropped the ball Canada. I'm actually embarrassed about it.

If I have to pay for playing my games through data usage I will never again consider paying for an app. Why would I wish to pay twice for a purchase. At least if I get the free ones, I only pay for my bandwidth. The price for your contracts is preposterous and with a price tag of $0.15 a Meg on pay as you go plans I'd feel as though I was playing the worst freemium game in history if I took that root.

I won't carry on all that much about this or I might lose my rag to an embarrassing degree. Get your act together Canada. There are third world countries that don't charge for data usage. I can't believe I actually miss British Telecom. I never thought the day would come when I would wish to be a BT customer again...

The United Kingdom is on an up and up path when it comes to mobile. It will gain strength and begin to flourish as will any other country that doesn't restrict data usage and peoples accessibility to the mobile life. So to anyone in the UK I used to work with, who wondered why the North American market seemed to be behind the rest of the First World countries here's your answer.

The mobile life is your enemy. It costs you out the ass and sucks up cash left right and centre. So no one here has ever had the chance to explore it, harness it and embrace it. Canadians are not free to do what they want, when they want online so it's a struggling market.

There were no data usage limits on internet usage when I left in 2007...

Get your act together Bell, Virgin, Rogers and any other providers. This is a joke. You are choking your own market to death. It would serve you right if someone came along offering an Unlimited data usage plan and you lost all your customers. Come to think of it, maybe BT is looking to expand.

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